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1What is Testing Strategy? | Definition, Basics and Importance in SDLC One of the most common questions we get is “what is testing strategy” and how a good strategy affects the overall process of software development in an organization. This article will focus on the basics and their applications.
2Optimizing Mobile Testing: The Importance of Delayed Reporting In this article, we'll explore why reporting every delay is an important part of mobile testing and how you can optimize your testing process in this way.
3The Golden Opportunity: Experiencing WeTest Products at Super Low Prices Recently, WeTest, in collaboration with Global KOL, is currently offering a range of discounts and deals on their products.
4Game Basics: How to Calculate Frame Time & What Does It Mean? In this article, we'll explain everything there is to know about frame rates and frame times. By the end of this post, you'll have all the information needed to understand how much raw power your gaming rig needs to run those buttery smooth animations at maximum pixel counts.
5Integrity Testing data | Basics, Checklist, and Common Mistakes Integrity testing data holds vital importance for the testing success rate. This article talks about this data and types of integrity testing along with common mistakes while handling this data.