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1What is the Process of API Testing Framework? API testing framework is an integral part when developing programs and applications. When testing functionality and authenticity, many developers use different testing tools to troubleshoot or uncover errors in the process.
2What is Black Box Testing, and What Are Its Types & Techniques In this blog, we will explore some of the different types of black box testing and their significance in the software development process.
3The Art of Cross-Browser Testing: Choosing the Right Approach and Tools We will explore the benefits and drawbacks of automated and manual testing, the factors to consider when selecting browsers, and the tools and techniques utilized for cross-browser testing. We will also highlight key aspects that can optimize your testing efforts to ensure optimal product quality.
4What is the Role of Simulators in Software Testing? This article delves into the role of simulators in software testing, exploring their potential to enhance efficiency and effectiveness.
5How to check Compatibility of Mobile Apps and Games? How to check compatibility of mobile games and common applications on Android and iOS is the most common we receive on our platform. In this blog post, we are going to cover this topic in detail.