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1All You Need to Know About Automated API Testing: Definitions, Steps & Advantages An API, or application programming interface, is a set of protocols, routines, and tools for building software applications. API testing is a method to ensure that an application programming interface functions correctly and performs as intended.
2Testing Basics: How to Check Phone Compatibility with Mobile Games? Wondering how to check phone compatibility with the apps you are developing? If yes then this article is for you where you can learn the core concepts which govern the smooth release of mobile apps and games. by keeping compatibility in check.
3Introduction to Appium: An Open-Source Automation Testing Tool Appium is an open-source automation testing tool that supports native applications, web applications, and hybrid applications on both the iOS and Android platforms.
4A Practical Guide to Optimizing Join Table Queries in MySQL This guide will provide valuable insights for students and professionals seeking to enhance their SQL optimization skills and achieve better results in real-world scenarios.
5Comprehensive and cost-effective, why should you choose WeTest’s Compatibility Testing solution In the face of the global device fragmentation challenge, WeTest Compatibility Testing offers an all-in-one solution that covers a wide range of multi-dimensional software and hardware combinations