  • Console Compliance Services

    Facing strict rules of console platform, WeTest Compliance Service review & customize test cases to match the rules of Xbox/PS/Switch platforms.

  • Full Platform Coverage

    WeTest supports compliance testing for PS, Xbox, and Switch platforms, prequalifying games in advance before their distribution and proactively identifying problems.

  • Audit Use Cases are Abundant

    The Xbox platform has 34 major audit entries and 134 test cases; the PS platform has 26 major audit entries and 170 test cases; and the Switch platform has 14 major audit entries and 140 test cases.

  • The Game Scenarios are Comprehensively Covered

    Use case scenarios cover a range of topics, including security and privacy, game achievements, compliance with design guidelines, store policies, platform account integration, and more.

The game's failure to pass the review has resulted in a delayed launch

The game development was completed and ready to go live on the platform, but due to inadequate preparation for the platform compliance test, failed on some of the platform requirements and restrictions.

WeTest will customize the audit use cases to meet the Xbox/PS/Switch platform rules based on the type of game. Tests will cover security and privacy, game achievements, design guidelines compliance, store policies, platform account integration, and more.


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  • Up to Date

    Regularly update the audit cases and keep the audit cases of different game platforms continuously updated.

  • Experienced Team of Experts

    The WeTest testing team has 10+ years of testing experience and is familiar with the rules for reviewing various types of games on the platform.

  • Professional Test Report

    The test report contains the passing records of each audit use case,and lists in detail the compliance issues that exist in the game scenario, and provides recommendations for fixing the issues.

  • Fast Delivery

    Single-platform compliance pre-qualification testing can be delivered in just one week.

Customer Stories

  • Challenge:The game had not undergone a full platform review since its launch

    Description:A well-known action shooter has not been certified for the Xbox platform a month before launch, potentially leading to a delay in the game's launch. Due to the parallel development of the PC and console versions, it may cause the PC version to be delayed as well.

  • Solution:Pre-approval testing in advance

    Description:WeTest has collected more than 130 platform certification test cases and set up special test scenarios such as audio/video and weak network conditions for consoles. Before submitting the game to the console platform, we conducted pre-certification tests so that we could proactively identify problems and provide feedback and modification suggestions to the project development team. The game was eventually launched on time.


Getting Started

Requirement Confirmation
Requirement clarification list

Confirm the testing requirements,need to clarify the game platform for testing.

Workload Assessment
Workload assessment and quotation

We will assess the amount of time required for the job and provide you with a quote.

Agree at the quotation

Confirm the quotation for the testing requirement.

Testing Implementation
Test case execution

The test team executes the test cases as designed.

Report Delivery
Deliver the report and related documents

Submit to clients test reports with problem lists and adjustments.

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