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1What is APM Software | Benefits and Tools In this article, we will discuss what is APM software and how it can help you improve your application's performance. We will also share some great tools for APM.
2Efficient Testing Strategies: Optimizing Your Test Automation Process This article explores various testing strategies that can help optimize your test automation process, including leveraging database calls, optimizing cross-browser testing, streamlining CI/CD builds, automated unit testing, parallel testing, and following best practices.
3Exploring the Fundamentals of Server-Side Systems in Internet Applications: Challenges and Solutions This article aims to explore the fundamental concepts of server-side system technology from the very basics.
4Balance Speed and Quality: Mobile App Testing Best Practices and Key Metrics for Software QA Nowadays, the pace of software development is more critical than ever. However, sacrificing quality for speed can lead to catastrophic consequences.
58 Strategies for Building an Effective Test Automation Strategy This article presents eight fundamental best practices for test automation strategy, including the balance between automated and manual testing, prioritizing test cases for automation, estimating ROI, selecting the right automation tools