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1Difference Between Functional and Non Functional Testing Functional and non functional testing techniques are the fundamentals for every software engineer and tester. In this article, we will break down the basics and their differences.
2Optimizing Word Frequency Statistics with Kafka and Spark Streaming In this article, we present an optimized solution using Kafka and Spark Streaming, which significantly reduces the cost of querying large numbers of indexes and improves the timeliness of word frequency updates.
3What is Test Plan in Software Testing | Fundamental Concepts In this blog post, everything related to the common query of "what is a test plan in software testing" is discussed along with its objectives and other related concepts one needs to master.
4What is APM Software | Benefits and Tools In this article, we will discuss what is APM software and how it can help you improve your application's performance. We will also share some great tools for APM.
5Acceptance Test Driven Development: How Does It Help Your Game to Succeed? In this article, we will delve deeper into the principles of ATDD and explore its application in game testing, highlighting the benefits it brings to the development process.