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1What are Assertions in Unit Testing, and How Does It Help with Unit Testing? What are assertions in unit testing? When it comes to ensuring the quality and reliability of software, unit testing plays a crucial role. And at the heart of unit testing lies the concept of assertions.
2Comprehensive Explanation to Direct Benefits of Automation Testing in Apps This article briefly explains all benefits of automation testing and its importance for a software project. Read till the end to learn the very basic but important concepts.
3How To Become A QA Tester: Job Introduction and Skill Explanation In this blog, we will introduce you to: • What is QA testing and what is a QA tester • The difference between a QA tester and a software tester • How to become a QA tester
4Regression Testing Meaning: A Clear and Concise Overview Before we discuss regression testing meaning, let’s focus on one question as follows: Have you ever made changes to a software application only to find that it's no longer functioning as expected?
5What Is A REST API and How Does It Work? A Guide for Beginners What is a REST API? How does it work? In this blog, we introduce you to more about REST APIs and help you get better solutions for your target.