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1WeTest Case Study: A Battle Royale Mobile Game This case provides a best-practice model for the mobile game industry, demonstrating how to update QA management using modern technologies and automated tools.
2Functional vs Performance Requirements When defining functional vs performance requirements, the first one should address what a system should do and the second what level of quality should be met.
3How to Validate Schema in Rest Assured | Definitions, Tutorial In this blog post, we will talk about the query “how to validate schema in rest assured which is a rather simple method to do so, and also will walk through the basic concepts of these software terms.
4User Acceptance Testing KPI | Definitions & Importance We have explained user acceptance testing KPIs and other related concepts in this article to explain what are the most important for an organization.
5The Importance of Automated Mobile Application Security Testing This article explores the key factors driving the growth of mobile applications and discusses the importance of automated mobile application security testing. We also discuss different methods of achieving robust mobile app security and their advantages and limitations.