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1The Golden Opportunity: Experiencing WeTest Products at Super Low Prices Recently, WeTest, in collaboration with Global KOL, is currently offering a range of discounts and deals on their products.
2What is Mobile Device Usability Testing and Why is It Important? Testing and ensuring your applications are to the required standards ensures they're functional and user-friendly on various devices. This article provides a comprehensive guide to mobile UX testing.
3A Comprehensive Guide to XSS Attacks and Defenses This article provides a detailed introduction to XSS(Cross Site Scripting) vulnerability attacks and defenses, including vulnerability basics, XSS fundamentals, encoding basics, XSS Payload, and XSS attack defense.
4What is Localization in Software? | Process, Benefits & More This FAQ post will focus on the query "what is localization in software" and how it is done in the modern software world. Stick till the end to learn everything about it.
5Ensuring Software Excellence: The Power of Maintenance Testing This article talks about maintenance testing, its types, and why it's needed. Read till the end to learn the basic foundation of this testing routine.