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1What is Testing in Production & Its Industrial Implications Testing in production has become extremely important in current software development and this is why this article focuses on the theoretical explanation of this type of testing.
2Mastering the Basics of iOS Development for Android Developers in Just One Week This article provides a guide for Android developers to learn the basics of iOS development in just one week, making it easier for them to understand and work with both platforms.
3What can PerfDog do Recently, WeTest international community launched a global discussion on "performance testing tools", many KOLs said PerfDog is the best testing tool they've ever used.
4What is Jmeter Ramp up Period | Definitions & Its Outcomes This article is focused on JMeter ramp up period and what are its applications. Read till the end to learn this feature of Apache JMeter.
5Non-functional Testing Types Introduction: Ensuring High-Quality Software Applications Software applications have become an integral part of our lives, and with the ever-increasing demands for high-quality software, developers have to ensure that their applications meet the highest standards of performance, security, usability, reliability, and compatibility.