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The WeTest Blog


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1How Artificial Intelligence Revolutionize Software Testing? This article explores how AI can enhance software testing, improve test coverage, mitigate business risks, and increase accuracy. While there and value it brings to the testing phase of the software development life cycle.
2How to Make Your Go Program Run Faster? This article is about the Go language. It primarily focuses on runtime speed, rather than development speed – these two types of speed are distinct.
3The Importance of Application Security Testing This article highlights the significance of application security testing in identifying and mitigating vulnerabilities within software applications. It also covers best practices for effective security testing, the importance of dynamic application security testing.
4Difference Between Software Testing and Firmware Testing In this blog post we will explain the difference between software and firmware testing and their importance, procedures, and significance. Make sure to read till the end to clear your concepts.
5Software Testing Challenges and Tips: Ensuring Software Products Quality In this article, we will explore the common challenges faced by software testers and provide survival tips to overcome them.