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1Unveiling the Benefits, Considerations, and Building vs Buying Options of Test Automation Frameworks This article delves into the importance of test automation frameworks, their benefits, and the pros and cons of building or buying a framework.
2Quality Engineering vs Quality Assurance: Concepts Explained and Differences Compared Quality engineering vs quality assurance, what are their roles and differences? While both are very important in software development, there are still significant differences between the two. Understanding the differences can help us go further and deeper in our software testing work.
3【Automation】Rewarding User Survey Here is a WeTest questionnaire waiting for you to fill out. 
4Optimize your games with Compatibility Testing Compatibility Testing is a game testing method to ensure that the game runs successfully on different hardware, operating systems, or mobile devices.
5Code Refactoring in Practice: Enhancing Maintainability and Scalability In this article, we will discuss the importance of code refactoring, its principles, and how it can be applied in a real-life example to improve the internal structure of a software module.