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1A Comprehensive Guide to Using Fiddler for Mobile Data Packet Capture In this article, we will primarily focus on how to use Fiddler to capture data packets from mobile devices.
2Why Game Testing is Vital for Popular Mobile Games like PUBG and the Risks of Not Doing It There are four key areas that require in-depth testing, and various testing methods are used to identify potential issues. But, playtesting can also pose risks, including technical and financial ones. So, it is vital to conduct thorough testing to avoid these risks and deliver a top-notch game.
3Optimize your games with Compatibility Testing Compatibility Testing is a game testing method to ensure that the game runs successfully on different hardware, operating systems, or mobile devices.
4Localization Testing is Functional or Nonfunctional? Localization testing is functional or nonfunctional? It's hard to say. Before answering this question, we need to understand the difference between functional and non-functional testing, and what localization testing is. In this blog, these questions will be answered.
5What is Ping Spoofing: Risk and Protection What is Ping spoofing? It’s a common assault that may be hard to discover. In this guide, we are able to explain to you the whole lot you want to know about ping spoofing and the way to detect it. So, just read on, and learn more details about ping spoofing.