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1WebdriverIO vs Selenium: A Comparison of Two Automation Frameworks This blog post aims to compare and contrast WebdriverIO and Selenium, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses.
2How to Test Local Network Speed the Right Way? This article is going to explain how to test local network speed using only your Windows inbuilt tools and also will recommend how to get the best network testing services for your software development projects.
3Web Application Penetration Testing: What is It, & How Does It Differ from Security Testing? Web application penetration testing gets increasingly vital as web applications have become an integral part of our lives. From online banking to e-commerce platforms, these applications store and process a significant amount of sensitive data.
4What is Automation Framework: Comprehensive Understanding of Automation Frameworks What is a testing framework? A framework is a set of guidelines and an architecture that, when followed, can produce beneficial results.
5What does QA stand for in Software Testing & Its importance In this article, we are going to talk about the very basic question “what does QA stand for in software testing” and how it affects the entire software development process in the long run.