
What is E2E Testing? | Types, Advantages, Disadvantages

This post talks about a much-requested question of "what is e2e testing" and its direct pros and cons to the testers and organization.

What is E2E Testing?

Like the name suggests, it is a method by which we test all scenarios in the system to ensure that each of the steps is followed to a specific protocol. E2E testing is a method of collecting and analyzing data from a system to make changes to the system. This can be done by simulating real users, or by using automated tools that test all aspects of an application. It can be used for both features and infrastructure, although it's most commonly used for testing features. Because E2E testing requires you to test everything from your website's design to its backend architecture, it allows you to find bugs in areas not typically covered by other methods of development or QA (quality assurance).

So, what is E2E testing? In layman's words, it is a process to establish the end-to-end performance of a system and its components in order to understand the impact of changes in requirements, design, and implementation over time. End-to-end testing can be used for service-oriented architecture as well. For example, if you are building an online banking system, then your end-to-end test will include exercising every aspect of your application including how users interact with things like their accounts balances. In this way, you can ensure that all aspects of your application work together correctly before releasing them into the production environment or at least give those who need access some kind of beta version where they can get feedback on what needs fixing before the release date arrives. We recommend checking out the Client Performance Monitoring also called PerfSight from WeTest which features support for mobile and consoles and optimizes player experience and improves key performance indicators in the software.

Three Types of Activities in E2E Testing

1. User Functions

  • First, list all the features of the software & its interconnected sub-systems.
  • For every function, input and output data, track & record all actions which are being performed.
  • Identify all relations between user functions.
  • Finally, establish if every user function is independent.

2. Conditions

First, decide a set of conditions for every user function. This could include timing, data conditions, etc., & factors affecting user functions.

3. Test Cases

  • Create multiple test cases to test every functionality of user functions.
  • Assign at least a single, separate test case to every condition.

What Advantages of E2E Testing?

  • It saves time because no one person has all the knowledge about how a system works; instead, everyone knows what needs testing so they can focus on writing their value rather than learning how something works from scratch every time they find out it needs testing (which can take hours).
  • It reduces errors because every single person on a team has access tested something before so when there is an error reported by one person who hasn't done this work yet (or even worse hasn't had any experience working with Selenium), we know where our problem lies - not just "something went wrong" but specifically why did this happen?
  • It gives increased confidence in your system. You'll know exactly how it works and what it does for you. This means that you'll feel more confident about using the product or service when an issue arises—and this makes all parties involved happier.
  • End-to-end testing helps you to improve quality and reduce bugs. It helps you to reduce the cost of testing. It also helps you in building a team that works together towards achieving your goals, which is one of the reasons why organizations keep on investing in end-to-end testing as part of their software development lifecycle (SDLC).
  • End-to-end testing is the most cost-effective way to test your software. It is also the fastest way, as it uses only one test environment and doesn't require any additional resources or hardware.
  • End-to-end tests are thorough and reliable because they can run all aspects of a product through multiple user scenarios in one go, ensuring that any issues are found early on in development before they become more difficult or expensive to fix later down the track when integration with other systems is required.

Disadvantages of E2E Testing:

  • This is a time-consuming process. It can take weeks or months to complete, depending on the product and how complex it is.
  • If you don’t have a large budget for testing and deployment, end-to-end testing may not be feasible for your organization.
  • End-to-end testing requires an enormous number of resources: QA staff who are trained in test automation; developers who know how to write tests; infrastructure that allows for automated test runs (like Selenium); servers where these tests run against; continuous integration servers where all code changes are reviewed before being deployed (this includes examining multiple versions at once).

Wrapping Up: 

This concludes the topic of " what is e2e testing". It can be summarized that an end-to-end test ensures that every part of your application works together as expected by the user (or customer). It also ensures that there are no issues with any third-party software or other components that may have been added during development time (e.g., cloud services). If there are bugs in any of these areas, then they won't be found during testing because they haven't been tested yet.

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