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1A Comprehensive Guide to XSS Attacks and Defenses This article provides a detailed introduction to XSS(Cross Site Scripting) vulnerability attacks and defenses, including vulnerability basics, XSS fundamentals, encoding basics, XSS Payload, and XSS attack defense.
2What Are the Advantages of Test Automation for CIOs? With the widespread adoption of transformative automated processes, CIOs have become versatile figures whose decisions hold the key to a company's success. One such area where CIOs can make a significant impact is automation testing.
3Best Practices for Functional Testing Functional testing is a crucial aspect of software and application development, enabling the identification of issues and ensuring the overall quality of the product. In this article, we will explore the best practices for performing effective functional testing
4Waterfall vs Agile Methodology | Differences & Advantages Read this article to learn the concepts related to waterfall vs agile methodology comparison and their benefits. It will be also concluded which one is better.
5When Should Live Testing Be Used? In the realm of software testing, various methodologies and techniques are employed to ensure the quality and reliability of software applications.