
Questions About Mobile App Testing Services for A Beginner

In this brief, you will learn more details about the service, why it is important, what it can do for you, and know how to choose a different kind of testing.


Mobile app testing services are a process of achieving better quality software, by taking a holistic test. It involves multiple platforms, operating systems and devices. In this brief, you will learn more details about the service, why it is important, what it can do for you, and know how to choose a different kind of testing.

Why mobile app testing services are important

It is reported that almost half of the users will abandon a mobile application when they find the app is buggy. Users have a lot of alternatives and lack the patience for a slow, low-performing app. User experience will highly influence the usage of a mobile application.

Meanwhile, there are various kinds of mobile devices and operating systems, it’s important to ensure the applications are compatible, usable as well as consistent on multiple platforms.

This is the reason why mobile app testing services are so essential. You need a comprehensive testing service to allow your application works flawlessly and user friendly before launching it.

How to choose manual or automated mobile testing

Manual and automation are both needed for mobile app testing services, and each of the ways has its specialty.

  • Manual testing: When focusing on usability testing and performing exploratory testing,  manual testing would be the best way. And some tests can’t be done by automated testing like UI interactions need manual testing to do the job according to requirements. But manual testing has some shortages, for example, time-consuming, expensive, and prone to errors.
  • Automated testing: testing at a quick speed and ensuring high accuracy and reliability at the same time are advantages of automated testing, especially suitable for repeating tasks.  While manual testing may cost much more time and money, investing in an automatic tool to support your mobile app services can save a lot of time and effort.

What are the types of application testing

there are many different types of mobile app testing services available. Here are some most common ones.

  • Functional testing: ensuring the functions of the app works as you wish and don’t have any bugs.
  • Usability testing: evaluating the situation of user-friendliness and other issues that may influence user experience.
  • Performance testing: measuring the speed and stability of the app in different conditions.
  • Security testing: checking if the app has any potential security vulnerabilities.

In addition, there are also other types of mobile app testing, including compatibility testing, user acceptance testing, and accessibility testing. You can choose these services according to your specific requirements for the app and the target audience.

How mobile app testing works

Normally, the approaches for app testing involve following steps:

  • Plan and design test: outlining the process, such as defining the scope and objectives of the testing.
  • Execute the test: executing on different platforms and devices, performing the manual and automated test.
  • Report: analyze the results and provide reports to improve the app


How to choose the best provider for you

The release duration and financial plan are important for an application development team. So we should carefully choose a provider of mobile app testing service. A provider who has to meet  the following needs:

  • Make sure what you need at first. For example, which platform do you want? Do you need both automated and manual testing or just automated testing? You can write down a list of all your requirement.
  • Provider with enough expertise and experience. You can ask the providers to show some sample cases for you. By checking these test cases you can read feedback from other clients.
  • Finances factor: although Mobile app testing services can help you save money, it is still a big investment, especially for the best service providers. Select your providers based on your budget. 


For game developers, WeTest would be a perfect choice. This one-stop app testing service platform has experienced experts and tested over 1000 games. If you are looking for a mobile game APP performance management platform, we recommend WeTest PerfSight. With the world’s leading data center-grade mobile device server room, WeTest provides services covering all the types of testing we talked about above, ensuring the quality of your whole product life.


This brings us to conclude our article on the topic of “mobile app testing services”. It is a process to analyze mobile applications, covering a lot of aspects like functionality, usability, and stability. Testing, as well as development, is the core for a company to increase its business in the mobile technology world.

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