
Verification and Validation Testing| Differences and Practices

In this blog post, we will talk about the comparison of verification vs validation testing and everything related to them. The concepts are laid according to beginner's level so that one can understand them easily.


Verification is the process of testing a system's capabilities, which ensures that it does what it is supposed to do and does not do what it is not supposed to. Verification also ensures that all requirements are met during implementation and maintenance.

There are different types of verification activities:

  • Functional verification – It tests whether the software fulfills its functions as expected by users, or checks whether errors have been introduced during development or testing.
  • Systematic verification – This type of verification involves verifying each requirement against predefined test plans or scenarios developed in advance for this purpose (e.g., functional testing).


Validation is the act of testing to ensure that a product, system, or procedure is working as intended. It's an important part of any software development process and can be categorized into two types:

  • User acceptance testing (UAT) - The purpose of this type of validation is to make sure that users can use your product effectively on their own without any technical assistance from you. This includes things like writing test scripts for each possible scenario in which they might encounter problems with your program; creating mock-ups based on actual user behavior; running these scripts through automated services like Mobile App Test Automation from WeTest. This includes 1000-plus device support, DevOps integration, Detailed test analysis, and much more.
  • System testing - System tests are performed after all user acceptance tests have been completed successfully because they determine whether there were any issues with how well your system responds under certain conditions before its release date (or even earlier).

Verification vs Validation Testing

1. Verification is the process of testing a system to ensure that it performs as expected. Validation is the process of testing a system to ensure that it performs as expected and meets all of its functional requirements.

2. The key difference between Verification and Validation is that in verification, the tester only looks at one aspect or aspect alone, whereas validation requires multiple checks on multiple aspects and functions within an application before releasing it for use by end users.

3. Validation is the process of testing to ensure that a software product meets specified requirements. It is an important step in the software development life cycle and can be used to check whether your code meets all its requirements. Validation should be conducted before you start coding or even designing your project before you begin writing unit tests and mocking up interfaces. The idea behind validation is to validate whether your code works as expected (as per specification), rather than just checking if it runs on some platform or device.

4. There are several methods used in verification. These include reviews, walkthroughs, inspections, and desk-checking. However, validation can be done by White Box Testing or non-functional testing or Black Box Testing.

5. Verification is astatic testing while the other is dynamic testing.

6. Verification checks if the software confirms specifications while the other checks the requirements and expectations of customers.

7. Verification is done by the quality assurance team while validation is done by testing teams.

8. In current agile development processes, the systems require both verification and validation activities to be taken into the account. This gives continual feedback to the testers while improving the entire code. 

Wrapping Up:

To conclude verification and validation testing, it can be stated that verification is the only way to know for sure if you truly implemented the code and didn't make mistakes. It is a process of testing to ensure that a system or component is functioning as intended. Before you start coding or designing your project, validate it with your stakeholders. Validation should take place before you write unit tests and mock-up interfaces. Validation is about making sure your code works as expected (as per specification), not just checking if it runs on some platform or device. If reliability and performance are top priorities (which should be) then we recommend PerfSight from WeTest, which gives developers optimize and spot potential problems in their gaming codes with the support of consoles and mobile platforms.

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