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1How to Generate Makefile for Software Development in Linux using Autoconf and Automake This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to generate a makefile for a typical project structure, including the use of bin, include, and src directories.
2Why is Investing in Software Testing Important for Companies? In this article, we will explore the key reasons behind the importance of investing in software testing and the benefits it brings to companies and their products.
3Performance Testing Metrics: What Exactly Does It Contain? Performance testing metrics are essential aspects to consider in a performance testing report. The objective of performance testing is to obtain relevant data about server performance under high user and data loads, analyze system bottlenecks, and enhance system stability.
4Introducing WeTest Monkey, Making Compatibility Testing Easier For developers, it is crucial to ensure that their mobile applications and games provide a seamless experience across various devices.
5What is Automation Framework: Comprehensive Understanding of Automation Frameworks What is a testing framework? A framework is a set of guidelines and an architecture that, when followed, can produce beneficial results.