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1Functional Test vs Integration Test: How are They Different Functional test vs integration test, how are they different? This article takes you through the definition, advantages, disadvantages, and detailed differences between the two.
2How to Select Devices for Mobile Testing? This article explores various factors that testers should consider when choosing devices for software testing and recommends WeTest Live Testing as a convenient and efficient solution.
3Exploring the Application of AI in Security Testing: A Tencent Case Study This article uses Security Protection Products as an example, but this methodology is suitable for in-depth mining of bugs caused by combinations of multiple factors.
4What is Gameplay Testing and how does it work? Game Testing is a software testing process for video games’ quality control, usually conducted in the post-production stage of the game development cycle.
5Top 15 Common Bugs in Mobile Apps and How to Fix Them In this article, we will explore the top 15 common bugs found in mobile apps and provide insights on how to fix them. By addressing these bugs, developers can create a seamless user experience and ensure their apps function flawlessly.