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1How to troubleshoot game performance problems? — — Performance Optimization Good game performance is a necessary component for quality gameplay. However, Game performance problems caused by bugs, hardware problems, or inefficient coding, such as slow frame rates, can often occur and negatively affect the player experience.
2Essential Elements for an Effective Software Test Strategy Maintaining a high level of quality for your organization's software requires a well-defined software test strategy. It is unfortunate that many businesses prioritize software testing poorly or lack a test strategy altogether.
3Imagination and Tencent WeTest carry out in-depth cooperation to help developers obtain key report o WeTest’s PerfDog tool adds more than 80 GPU Counters across all platforms and architectures, providing developers with detailed interpretation on data indicators of PowerVR GPU
4Best Practices for Application Performance Testing Performance testing measures the processing speed, bandwidth, reliability, and scalability of application under some load. There are several best practices that can help you improve its overall effectiveness. Here are five best practices for conducting effective performance testing.
5What is Compatibility Test & Why it Matters? Wondering what is compatibility test? It is extremely important to every app and game publisher and developer since it can ruin a pretty expensive and well-crafted project to nothing if the final product is not compatible with the hardware and software running on customers.