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1Challenges and Importance of Performance Testing for Mobile Applications This article discusses the importance of performance testing for mobile applications and the common challenges encountered during the process.
2What is Cross Browser Testing? Uses and Functionality Cross browser testing is a critical aspect of web development, and it is an essential concept every developer/tester should know. Let’s dive into this post to learn the core concepts of cross browser tests.
3Insight On Special Test of Explosive Games: 51CTO Interview with PerfDog Founder Wensheng Cao Mr. Cao shares with us his practical experience in the field of game testing.
4Revolutionize Your Software Development Process with Test Automation: Benefits, Types and Best Pract In today's digital era, businesses can't afford to have unreliable web or mobile applications that provide customers with a subpar experience. That's where automated testing comes in handy, providing companies with reliable software testing solutions.
58 Strategies for Building an Effective Test Automation Strategy This article presents eight fundamental best practices for test automation strategy, including the balance between automated and manual testing, prioritizing test cases for automation, estimating ROI, selecting the right automation tools