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1What is a Licensed Penetration Tester? What is a licensed penetration tester? Penetration tester is considered one of the most popular positions in the rapidly growing cybersecurity job market. Being a penetration tester requires a lot of effort as it is a skill-based role.
2What is Mobile Compatibility Testing and Why Do You Need It? Testing application usability on mobile devices is vital for the smooth operation and running of your applications. This article provides a comprehensive guide to testing applications' compatibility.
3Fact Check: Why does DevOps recommend shift left testing principles? This blog post talks about the question of why does DevOps recommend shift left testing principles and what are its implications in software development.
4A Beginners Guide to The Query: What is Functional Testing If you are still wondering about what is functional testing and which techniques to use then this article is for you. We have explained here a beginner conceptual dose to all of you out there just entering the testing world.
5Effective Testing Guidelines for Software Development and Quality Assurance This article explores the importance of establishing clear testing guidelines and adapting them to market dynamics to ensure efficient resource utilization and timely release schedules.