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1Which describe the Benefits of Automation in the Software Industry The keywords “which describe the benefits of automation” are trending nowadays and this article examines why it is like that and how we can get the answer.
2A Beginners Guide to The Query: What is Functional Testing If you are still wondering about what is functional testing and which techniques to use then this article is for you. We have explained here a beginner conceptual dose to all of you out there just entering the testing world.
3How to Test API? | Essential Concepts and Explanation In this FAQ post, we will lay down theories related to the question "how to test API" and what is important to one's testing processes.
4What are unit tests & what is their significance? What are unit tests? Why are they so important and whom do they serve? these are the most common questions being searched for the basic testing of software. This is why this post focuses on all the basic knowledge one needs to, master before jumping into these testing techniques.
5Importance Of Performance Testing Performance testing is a type of quality assurance testing that can determine if the software meets speed, scalability and stability demands under expected conditions.