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1Challenges and Strategies in Mobile App Testing This article discusses common challenges and strategies in mobile app testing.
2What is Manual Testing | A Beginners’ Conceptual Guide In this article, we will talk about the topic "what is manual testing' and a conceptual introduction to this form of testing. Make sure to read till the end to learn everything regarding this practice of testing.
3What is The Difference Between Localization and Globalization Testing Understanding the difference between localization and globalization testing is very important for developers. Are you looking to expand your product to a global audience? Localization and globalization testing will help you make your product accessible and appealing to users around the world.
4The Vital Role of Compatibility Testing in Web Development This article will explore the significance of conducting compatibility testing across multiple platforms to ensure optimal functionality, display, performance, and user experience.
5What is the Process of API Testing Framework? API testing framework is an integral part when developing programs and applications. When testing functionality and authenticity, many developers use different testing tools to troubleshoot or uncover errors in the process.