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1Which describe the Benefits of Automation in the Software Industry The keywords “which describe the benefits of automation” are trending nowadays and this article examines why it is like that and how we can get the answer.
2WeTest Long-term Cooperation Partner Introduction- Indonesia KOL Chrissanto(The Second Issue) WeTest PerfDog has become a performance testing tool used by users all over the world. Recently, WeTest international community launched a global discussion on “performance testing tools” and received comments and videos from YouTube KOL.
3Unleashing the Power of Mobile Test Automation This article explores the transformative benefits of mobile test automation, including supercharged results, unrivaled test coverage, reusability revolution, harmonious blend with manual testing, and accelerated time-to-market.
4How to Check Device Compatibility? | Definitions, Significance, and Methods In software development routines the important decision of how to check device compatibility in an effective way has a lot of importance for an organization.
5A Case Study on Debugging High-Concurrency Bugs in a Multi-Threaded Environment The article covers the debugging process for core dump issues, memory leaks, and performance hotspots, as well as the use of various tools such as GDB, Valgrind, AddressSanitizer, and Perf.