  • WeTest

    Black-Box Deep Testing

    Supporting multiple dimensions, such as game communication protocols, clients, script logic, memory security, and static resource security, to explore business security vulnerabilities, without the need for game protocol structure files.

  • WeTest

    Gray-Box Deep Testing

    Supporting the integration of security testing tools to analyze game implementations from the perspective of security testers and uncover potential security vulnerabilities.

Application Scenarios

Games Arouse Cybercrimes
Security Public Opinions Boost

External players and cheat studios conduct reverse engineering and cracking of the game, leading to problems such as token theft and invincible instant kills, or exploiting server vulnerabilities to launch denial-of-service attacks, causing certain services to be suspended or even the host to crash, resulting in service downtime.

Simulating external players and cheat studios, analyzing and cracking the game from the attacker's perspective, proactively discovering and exploring weaknesses, technical defects, and security vulnerabilities (such as diamond theft, invincible instant kill, and over 40 other types of vulnerabilities), amplifying defects, conducting risk assessments, proactively exposing potential security risks in games, and providing security vulnerability remediation plans.

      • Once the high-risk public opinion appears, the game has already been damaged. With the spread of media public opinion, it will have an ongoing impact on the reputation of the game.

        Vulnerability Mining Service supports full lifecycle access to games, mines malicious vulnerabilities in advance, and proactively detects public opinion risks to protect the reputation of your game.

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          No matter which products you want to explore or what problem you want to solve, we are delighted to engage in a discussion with you.
          • WeTest

            Deep Risk Analysis and Exploration

            Supporting mainstream game engines such as Unity3D, UE4, Cocos2D, etc, to explore business security vulnerabilities from multiple dimensions, such as game communication protocols, client function security, script logic, memory security, static resource security, server crashes, etc.

          • WeTest

            Expert Team Support

            A mobile game vulnerability testing team with over 700 service versions and using an industry-leading penetration testing approach to provide professional services.

          Getting Started

          Step 1: Appointment
          Fill out the Form

          Submit testing requirements

          Business Communication

          Confirm testing intentions, sign contracts

          Step 2: Submission
          Submit Materials

          Game API package, stable testing environment, GM commands, game installation package, and channel information

          Step 3: Execution
          Risk Analysis

          Familiarize with the game, conduct risk analysis, and design test risk points.

          Penetration Testing

          Security testing experts form groups to conduct security penetration testing.

          Step 4: Completion
          Generate Report

          Generate a penetration testing report.

          More Products
          Get started free with WeTest today!
          Our services save developers energy, time, and cost in producing high-quality games.
          Free Trial
          Speak with a solution expert