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1A Comprehensive Guide on Automated Testing With the development of technology, the importance of software tools is rapidly increasing for individuals and businesses. The smooth and fail-proof functioning of the software is very critical, as a large number of people depend on them.
2Difference Between Alpha and Beta Testing: What Are They, and Why They Matter? What is the difference between alpha and beta testing? Before we answer this question, let’s figure out some basic concepts: what is alpha testing? And what is beta testing? In this blog, all the above questions can be answered.
3How to get Synthetics Monitoring to Work in New Relic? In this blog post, we will talk about the much-requested question of "how to get synthetics monitoring to work in new relic".
4What is Test Driven Development? | Approach & Advantages In this post, I will talk about the topic "what is test driven development" and how it impacts the entire process concerning the organization and the testers.
5Why Automate Your Tests With WeTest WeTest provides cloud-based mobile application testing service that allows you to perform automated testing in popular frameworks. Through real Android and iOS devices, WeTest automated testing helps you troubleshoot issues in the whole development and operations lifecycle.