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1How to Select and Implement test management tools for Your Project? This article talks about test management tools and how to select them for your project. The article lays down criteria and tips to do so.
2PerfDog v7.1 New Features Update Our service is always updating. Let's find out what we have improved in the last few months.
3Android Performance Optimization: Best Practices and Tools This article summarizes the best practices and tools for optimizing Android app performance, covering topics such as render performance, understanding overdraw, VSYNC, GPU rendering, memory management, and battery optimization.
4Unit Testing vs Functional Testing | Basic Concepts, Key Differences, Pros & Cons Read this post to learn the unit testing vs functional testing comparison, their basic concepts, and other related info. Here we break down the benefits and problems they come with.
5Unleashing Imagination and Creativity in Mobile Testing This article explores the importance of imagination and creativity in mobile testing and how they enable testers to navigate the complexities of mobile applications.