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1The Importance of Manual Testing in Software Development In this article, we will discuss the advantages of live testing, the difference between manual and automated testing, and provide a step-by-step guide to conducting effective manual testing.
2Optimize Your Application's Network Performance with PerfDog's Network Test Feature LEARN HOW TO UTILIZE PERFDOG NETWORK TEST FEATURE TO GET THE BEST OUT OF YOUR APPLICATION
3Manual vs Automation Testing | Key Differences, Pros, Cons This article stresses the Manual vs Automation Testing comparison and their basic definitions, as both are directly correlated to the testing routines.
4User Acceptance Testing Template: What is It and Three Examples! User Acceptance Testing (UAT) is a crucial phase in software development that helps ensure the quality and effectiveness of the final product. However, UAT testing often suffers from poor planning, leading to critical bugs and defects in the released software.
5Mobile Usability Testing Tools: What Is Usability Testing and How to Run It? Are you looking for the best mobile usability testing tools for your app? Before that, let’s have an overview of usability testing. Mobile usability testing is the process of determining whether digital products designed for mobile devices can be effectively used by their intended users.