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1A Comprehensive Guide to Using Fiddler for Mobile Data Packet Capture In this article, we will primarily focus on how to use Fiddler to capture data packets from mobile devices.
2All You Need to Know About Automated API Testing: Definitions, Steps & Advantages An API, or application programming interface, is a set of protocols, routines, and tools for building software applications. API testing is a method to ensure that an application programming interface functions correctly and performs as intended.
3Difference Between Alpha and Beta Testing: What Are They, and Why They Matter? What is the difference between alpha and beta testing? Before we answer this question, let’s figure out some basic concepts: what is alpha testing? And what is beta testing? In this blog, all the above questions can be answered.
4Webdriverio vs Selenium: Comparison and Analysis of Differences WebdriverIO vs Selenium, what are the differences? Selenium and WebdriverIO are both open-source tools used for testing web applications and have access to a large community and extensive resources.
5What is White Box Testing | A Beginners’ Conceptual Guide In this article, we will focus entirely on the conceptual side of white box testing and its pros and cons in real-world software testing environments.