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1Introduction to Types of Application | Definitions, and Comparisons In this blog post, we will lay down the basic definitions and concepts related to the types of application which exist in the software world.
2Explaining the Curious Case of "App Integrity Cannot be Verified" If your app integrity cannot be verified and want to learn the basics of why it happens then this article is for you.
3Insight On Special Test of Explosive Games: 51CTO Interview with PerfDog Founder Wensheng Cao Mr. Cao shares with us his practical experience in the field of game testing.
4How Tencent Captures and Analyzes Game Crashes Solving crash problems is a pressing need. From the PC era to the mobile era, there have been many tools for crash capture and analysis. So, what new problems and challenges does Tencent Games' new crash analysis system solve?
5WeTest Unified Device Toolkit (UDT): Efficiencies and Cost Reduction in Quality Assurance With WeTest UDT, optimize your testing process and achieve over 50% efficiency improvement.