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1All You Need to Know About Automated API Testing: Definitions, Steps & Advantages An API, or application programming interface, is a set of protocols, routines, and tools for building software applications. API testing is a method to ensure that an application programming interface functions correctly and performs as intended.
2The Vital Role of Functional Testing in Software Quality Assurance In this article, we will discuss the primary objective of functional testing, its importance in software quality assurance, and the challenges associated with it.
3Game Quality Forum Global 2023: WeTest's Winning Strategy for Flawless Gaming Experiences The Global Game Quality Forum 2023 was held in Amsterdam, the Netherlands from June 27th to June 29th. At the forum, Felix AH KANE, Platform Architect of Tencent WeTest, delivered a speech and introduced Tencent WeTest's winning strategy for flawless gaming experiences.
4Unit Testing vs Integration Testing: What is The Difference? Unit testing vs integration testing, what are their differences? Which one to choose? These are difficult questions for many people. In this blog, we will introduce in detail what unit testing and integration testing are and clarify their differences.
5Basics of Stack Overflow: What Is a Stack Overflow, Its Causes, Impacts, and Prevention What is a stack overflow? Stack overflow is a significant issue that can occur in software applications and can have serious consequences. As a result, it is essential to test software applications for stack overflow vulnerabilities to prevent such issues from happening.