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1A Beginners Guide to The Query: What is Functional Testing If you are still wondering about what is functional testing and which techniques to use then this article is for you. We have explained here a beginner conceptual dose to all of you out there just entering the testing world.
2Insight On Special Test of Explosive Games: 51CTO Interview with PerfDog Founder Wensheng Cao Mr. Cao shares with us his practical experience in the field of game testing.
3Revolutionize Your Software Development Process with Test Automation: Benefits, Types and Best Pract In today's digital era, businesses can't afford to have unreliable web or mobile applications that provide customers with a subpar experience. That's where automated testing comes in handy, providing companies with reliable software testing solutions.
4What is Automation Framework: Comprehensive Understanding of Automation Frameworks What is a testing framework? A framework is a set of guidelines and an architecture that, when followed, can produce beneficial results.
5The Importance of Accessories Tour in Software Testing This article will discuss the importance of conducting an accessories tour and the steps involved in the process.