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1Unleashing Imagination and Creativity in Mobile Testing This article explores the importance of imagination and creativity in mobile testing and how they enable testers to navigate the complexities of mobile applications.
2Streamlining Web Application Testing: Essential Best Practices for Automated Testing In this article, we will discuss three best practices for automated testing in web applications and introduce WeTest Automation as a reliable choice for your testing needs.
3Revolutionizing Software Quality Assurance: The Power of Live Testing In today's fast-paced and technology-driven world, the demand for top-quality software products has never been higher.
4Understanding Performance Testing Types and Their Benefits In this article, we will discuss the various performance testing types, their benefits, and the advantages and disadvantages of conducting these tests in a production environment.
5How to Efficiently Test iOS Apps with Appium on WeTest To ensure the quality of our iOS Apps during development and testing, we decide to use Jenkins jobs to test it on WeTest cloud devices for every update of our app. After investigating various tools, we use gtest + gmock as the unit test framework and Appium as the UI test framework for the SDK.