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1Why Should We Need QA Outsourcing and How to Choose the Best Service Provider? QA Outsourcing testing services is a widely popular trend in the IT industry. More and more software development projects require outsourcing software testing.
2Enhancing Mobile Application Quality through Input Data Processing This article explores the significance of input validation and testing in mobile applications, focusing on different input sources such as user inputs, updates, and data feeds.
3How to Get into Game Localization the Right Way? In this article, we are going to dig deep to answer the question of how to get into game localization and its importance in the real industry environment. Read till the end to learn the basics of localization.
421 Essential Guidelines for Using C# in Unity: A Summary of Effective C# In this article, the author has distilled and summarized 21 guidelines from the book "Effective C# Second Edition" that are applicable to using C# in the Unity game engine. These guidelines are provided for you to quickly grasp the main ideas of the book and write higher quality C# code in Unity.
5Exploring Sources of Information and Testing Services for Software Development This article explores common sources of information used in software requirement collection and highlights some popular testing services for mobile applications, iOS, and automated testing.