Jenkins Plugin
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Jenkins Plugin

Updated on: 2023-04-25 11:27

Integration with the Jenkins to trigger Automation Tests with each build action. Once you build an app, the system can automatically push it for testing on devices on cloud. This saves a lot of time, produces instant results and developers can fix any issues instantly.

1. Install the Plugin

  • In Jenkins, go to ‘Manage Jenkins’ and then click on ‘Manage Plugins’.

  • Click on the tab ‘Available’, search for the WeTest Automated Testing Integration Plugin, and install it.
    Available Jenkins

2. Credential Settings

  1. Go to Manage Jenkins > Configure System
  2. Fill in the necessary information in the WeTest Automated Testing section.
  3. Click the Save button to validate account details


Secret id: you can find it in your user settings

Secret Key: you can find it in your user settings

WeTest URL:

ToolPath: cloudtest

Protocol: https://

3. Add Build Step

Open an existing Jenkins job or create a new one. In the job configuration, add a new build step. (Configure-Build–Add build step–WeTest Automated Testing)

To run automated tests , select a target project, and fill in the field.

Project: Target project name for automated testing under your account.

Target OS Type: Android or iOS


  • Local absolute path required
  • eg:
    • Windows: C:\Users\jenkins\test.apk
    • Mac: /Users/jenkins/test.apk

Test Script

  • Local absolute path required
  • eg:
    • Windows: C:\Users\jenkins\
    • Mac: /Users/jenkins/

Framework:Testing Framework such as Appium

Device group:A set of devices which is chosen by user and used for test running. If you do not have a device group yet, please create one on our website.

Advanced Setting

  • Device time-out period
    • The timeout of the each device running in your test. The default value is 10 minutes.
  • Test time-out period
    • The timeout of the this test run. The default value is 30 minutes.

4. Save and Run the job

You can view the real-time log in the Jenkins console and the report on our website