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1Python Guide for Beginners: Unit Test in Python Example Are you looking for the unit test in Python example? Both unit testing and Python are important tools for our software testing. In this blog, we will introduce both of them and discuss the unit testing framework in Python.
2What is CI/CD & How Does It Work? | Basic Concepts and Structure Wondering about the basic concepts of what is CI/CD and how it works? This article is a one-stop knowledge pager for everyone interested in learning professional skills.
3The Golden Opportunity: Experiencing WeTest Products at Super Low Prices Recently, WeTest, in collaboration with Global KOL, is currently offering a range of discounts and deals on their products.
4Explore the Role of Data Access in the Lifecycle of Game Data Services In the lifecycle of game data services, data access serves as the basic service in the data service system iData, providing data support for upper-level applications such as data processing analysis and data mining.
5Challenges that Game Developers faced during 2020 COVID struck and affected many people and industries. The game industry seemed to be well placed to weather the pandemic initially. But in fact, COVID is a double-edged sword, as it creates both opportunities and challenges for game developers at the same time.