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1A Beginner's Guide to Mobile Testing: Ensuring a Smooth User Experience This guide highlights key points to consider during mobile app testing, including user interface, functionality, performance, compatibility, usability, security, and documentation.
2Discussion on Code Literacy for Software Engineers I decided to write an article to "briefly discuss" the code literacy that software engineers should possess. I hope it will be helpful to everyone. Please feel free to correct any inadequacies due to my limited level.
3A Beginners Guide to Black Box Penetration Testing & Its Impacts This article talks about black box penetration testing, the basic concepts behind it & what are practical applications in the current software industry. Read till the end to learn everything about this testing type.
4What is the First Step in Information Security: 2023 Ultimate Guide What is the first step in information security? In this post, check the first action in information security and other measures for cyber information security protection.
5Streamlining Web Application Testing: Essential Best Practices for Automated Testing In this article, we will discuss three best practices for automated testing in web applications and introduce WeTest Automation as a reliable choice for your testing needs.