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1WeTest Long-term Cooperation Partner Introduction- Japan KOL Ryo(The First Issue) WeTest PerfDog has become a performance testing tool used by users all over the world. Recently, WeTest international community launched a global discussion on “performance testing tools” and received comments and videos from YouTube KOL.
2Challenges and Interaction-Related Problems in Mobile Web Applications This article explores the challenges faced by developers and testers in adapting web applications for mobile devices and highlights common interaction-related problems that can impact the user experience.
3How to get Synthetics Monitoring to Work in New Relic? In this blog post, we will talk about the much-requested question of "how to get synthetics monitoring to work in new relic".
4Advantages of Test Automation Automated testing is an effective risk mitigation strategy that helps businesses identify and fix issues in a timely manner, which reduces the likelihood of these issues causing problems or creating negative impacts when software goes live.
5Supercharge Your Testing Efficiency with WeTest: Instant Access to Real iOS and Android Devices Unlock the power of real device testing with WeTest Real Device Cloud.