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1What are Test Cases? Introduction to Basic Concepts What are test cases? how do they work? which one is for you? all these questions are the most trending queries when it comes to software testing. Today, we are going to explain the very basics and essential knowledge one needs to know to get started with test cases and software testing techniques.
2Boost Your App's Performance with WeTest PerfDog Performance testing is an essential part of software development. It involves testing the performance, stability, and reliability of a system under different workloads.
3What are User Acceptance Testing Best Practices and How to Perform? Before we explore the user acceptance testing best practices, let’s figure out the definition of User Acceptance Testing (UAT). It is a critical phase in the software development lifecycle that ensures the software meets the needs and expectations of its intended users.
4When Should Live Testing Be Used? In the realm of software testing, various methodologies and techniques are employed to ensure the quality and reliability of software applications.
5Regression Testing Meaning: A Clear and Concise Overview Before we discuss regression testing meaning, let’s focus on one question as follows: Have you ever made changes to a software application only to find that it's no longer functioning as expected?