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1Testing Basics: How Do You Prioritize Manual vs Automated Testing? This blog post is all about the trending query of "how do you prioritize manual vs automated testing". If you are just starting with your next software project, then this article is for you.
2Element Click Intercepted | Basics & Recommendations to Fix It The problem of element click intercepted is quite common and needs to be addressed. This article focuses on its basics and ways to solve it.
3Unveiling the Benefits, Considerations, and Building vs Buying Options of Test Automation Frameworks This article delves into the importance of test automation frameworks, their benefits, and the pros and cons of building or buying a framework.
4Fault Localization in Software Testing: Definitions, Challenges & Techniques Fault localization in software testing is an essential aspect of software testing that has become increasingly important as software systems have grown in complexity.
5User Acceptance Testing KPI | Definitions & Importance We have explained user acceptance testing KPIs and other related concepts in this article to explain what are the most important for an organization.