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1Key Steps for Comprehensive Security Testing In this article, we will outline the key steps involved in performing security testing, including assessing accessible measures, evaluating data protection measures, assessing access points, evaluating session management, testing error handling, and testing additional functionalities.
2Difference Between Software Testing and Firmware Testing In this blog post we will explain the difference between software and firmware testing and their importance, procedures, and significance. Make sure to read till the end to clear your concepts.
3The Benefits of Cloud-Based Testing for Mobile App Development To ensure optimal performance and security, companies must embrace cloud-based testing platforms that offer enhanced scalability, wider device coverage, and improved team productivity.
4What is Non Functional Testing? | Definitions, Objectives, and Types What is non functional testing is one of the most common questions we receive from our clients. In this article, non functional testing and its basics are discussed with all the basic concepts.
5Alternative to Selenium: Why Do I Need an Alternative and How Do I Choose? Are you looking for an alternative to selenium? As a familiar and powerful tool for web application testing, Selenium has many advantages such as open source and powerful performance.