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1What is Smoke Testing in Software Engineering? One of our new interns asked us this question what is smoke testing in software engineering? This brought us to the decision of writing this blog post. Read till the end to learn about everything related to the basics of Smoke Testing and its implications.
2Exploring the Differences Between Web App Testing and Mobile App Testing This article explores the key differences between testing web and mobile applications, taking into account factors such as internet connectivity, user interaction, and capacity limitations.
3Live Testing: A Comprehensive Guide to Real-World Application Validation In the competitive world of software development, ensuring the reliability and performance of applications in real-world environments is crucial.
4Effective Testing Guidelines for Software Development and Quality Assurance This article explores the importance of establishing clear testing guidelines and adapting them to market dynamics to ensure efficient resource utilization and timely release schedules.
5What to do about Workday App Crashing | Comprehensive Guide This article explains the ways to avoid workday app crashing problems by adopting proper testing techniques and states all the aspects of apps that one needs to optimize.