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1Effective Management Principles for Large Mobile Device Libraries This article provides essential principles that can assist in effectively managing such libraries.
28 Strategies for Building an Effective Test Automation Strategy This article presents eight fundamental best practices for test automation strategy, including the balance between automated and manual testing, prioritizing test cases for automation, estimating ROI, selecting the right automation tools
3What Are Containers in DevOps & What Are the Advantages of Containers What are containers in DevOps? DevOps, a term coined by combining "Development" and "Operations," goes beyond its literal meaning to encompass a broad range of concepts and practices
4How to Automate Localization Testing | Framework & Importance How to automate localization testing? How to make it more effective? These are the most common questions we receive from our clients when they start to plan their software products for different regions. This article explains all of those questions.
5Maximizing User Experience with WeTest CrashSight's Support for Multiple Platforms (Part One) WeTest CrashSight is a leading crash management platform that helping mobile, PC and console developers locate and resolve issues more quickly and efficiently.