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The WeTest Blog


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1Testing Limitations: What Are They and How to Overcome This article reviews some of the most common limitations in software testing and provides insight into the challenges testers face and how to effectively address them.
2Quick Review: What is A Downside of Using the Traditional Waterfall Approach What is a downside of using the traditional waterfall approach? In the 1990s, with the advent of the Internet era, people increasingly recognized the drawbacks of traditional development methods.
3Why & How We Conduct App Automated Testing? In this article, we will explore the benefits of app automated testing, including improved test efficiency, increased test coverage, and reduced costs. We will also provide tips on how to start implementing automated testing in your mobile application testing process.
4WebdriverIO vs Selenium: A Comparison of Two Automation Frameworks This blog post aims to compare and contrast WebdriverIO and Selenium, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses.
5Common Issues Concerning CrashSight Integration and Reporting in Windows and Game Engines TACKLING THE NUANCES OF CRASHSIGHT IN WINDOWS AND VARIOUS GAME ENGINES.