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1An Introduction to Levels of Software Testing & Implications Software testing is a process that consists of different levels of software testing, each with its own specific goal and purpose. In this article, we will discuss these levels and what they mean for you as a developer or QA professional working in the industry.
2Revolutionizing Mobile App Testing: Challenges and Solutions This article highlights the top eight challenges of traditional mobile testing and provides solutions to overcome them. It sheds light on the current state of mobile development and testing practices, and how WeTest can revolutionize mobile application testing with its four key benefits.
3Why Game Testing is Vital for Popular Mobile Games like PUBG and the Risks of Not Doing It There are four key areas that require in-depth testing, and various testing methods are used to identify potential issues. But, playtesting can also pose risks, including technical and financial ones. So, it is vital to conduct thorough testing to avoid these risks and deliver a top-notch game.
4Non-functional Testing Types Introduction: Ensuring High-Quality Software Applications Software applications have become an integral part of our lives, and with the ever-increasing demands for high-quality software, developers have to ensure that their applications meet the highest standards of performance, security, usability, reliability, and compatibility.
5Web Application Penetration Testing: What is It, & How Does It Differ from Security Testing? Web application penetration testing gets increasingly vital as web applications have become an integral part of our lives. From online banking to e-commerce platforms, these applications store and process a significant amount of sensitive data.