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1How to Select Devices for Mobile Testing? This article explores various factors that testers should consider when choosing devices for software testing and recommends WeTest Live Testing as a convenient and efficient solution.
2What Are the Advantages of Test Automation for CIOs? With the widespread adoption of transformative automated processes, CIOs have become versatile figures whose decisions hold the key to a company's success. One such area where CIOs can make a significant impact is automation testing.
3Non-functional Testing Types Introduction: Ensuring High-Quality Software Applications Software applications have become an integral part of our lives, and with the ever-increasing demands for high-quality software, developers have to ensure that their applications meet the highest standards of performance, security, usability, reliability, and compatibility.
4A Comprehensive Guide to Using Fiddler for Mobile Data Packet Capture In this article, we will primarily focus on how to use Fiddler to capture data packets from mobile devices.
5Why Automated Testing Is Essential For CI/CD In this article, we will explore why automated testing is essential for CI/CD and how it can be effectively implemented to maximize its benefits.