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1Challenges and Interaction-Related Problems in Mobile Web Applications This article explores the challenges faced by developers and testers in adapting web applications for mobile devices and highlights common interaction-related problems that can impact the user experience.
2Best Practices for Web Application Performance Testing and Modeling Real-World Scenarios This article discusses web application performance testing and modeling to ensure that developers and testers identify system bottlenecks and weaknesses and improve the overall performance of the site.
3Mastering the Basics of iOS Development for Android Developers in Just One Week This article provides a guide for Android developers to learn the basics of iOS development in just one week, making it easier for them to understand and work with both platforms.
4What is CI/CD & How Does It Work? | Basic Concepts and Structure Wondering about the basic concepts of what is CI/CD and how it works? This article is a one-stop knowledge pager for everyone interested in learning professional skills.
5How To Make A Console Game | In-depth Guide How to make a console game? Using a step-by-step approach in this guideline helps to create the console game with far more advanced methodologies in consideration.