
What Activities Should be Included in Mobile Testing?

This article discusses the activities that should be included in mobile testing to address common challenges mobile applications face.

In today's world, tablets, smartphones, and mobile phones have evolved into multifunctional devices that serve a wide range of purposes beyond their primary function of communication.

They now provide entertainment, navigation services, online shopping capabilities, and many other tasks that have expanded their utility. It is easy to overlook their initial purpose as communication tools considering the multitude of tasks they can accomplish.

As a result, there is a vast array of diverse mobile software products available, catering to different needs and serving various purposes. These applications are designed to enhance and facilitate specific tasks, further broadening the capabilities of these mobile devices.

All mobile applications should have the capability to handle certain factors that can affect their functioning:


1. Intrusion of notifications:

Mobile applications should be able to handle notifications without disrupting their operation or causing conflicts with the user's interaction.

2. Interruptions by other activities:

Mobile applications should gracefully handle interruptions caused by incoming calls, messages, or other activities on the device without compromising their functionality.

3. Background operation:

Mobile applications should have the ability to work in the background, allowing users to perform other tasks on their devices while the application continues to function.

4. Unstable or poor networking signals:

Mobile applications should be designed to handle situations where the network connection is weak or fluctuates. They should manage network errors and provide appropriate feedback to the user.

A software testing company advises its testers to prioritize these issues during mobile application testing to ensure smooth and uninterrupted user experiences.

Furthermore, it is beneficial to interact with a software product during testing as actual users would. This approach applies not only to mobile testing but also to desktop testing and website testing. It helps identify potential issues and ensures that the software performs as expected under real-world usage scenarios.

When testing a mobile software product, it is important to include the following activities in the testing process:


1. Begin using the software and test its response to various phone call scenarios, such as answering, rejecting, or ignoring calls, and then continue working with the application.

2. Make a call while using the tested program to ensure seamless multitasking.

3. Start working with the software, engage with email or voicemail by reading and responding, and then return to the application, checking for any disruptions.

4. Copy text or images from the software product and send them to someone via SMS or email to ensure smooth sharing functionality.

A software testing company advises creating test procedures that examine all crucial instances of application interruptions. This approach helps identify and address serious errors within the software.


In conclusion, mobile testing plays a vital role in ensuring the seamless functioning of mobile applications. Activities such as handling notifications, interruptions by other activities, background operations, and unstable networking signals should be prioritized during the testing process. By simulating real-world usage scenarios, testers can identify and address potential issues, ensuring a smooth and uninterrupted user experience.

Mobile testing is essential to meet the diverse needs of mobile users and enhance the overall performance of mobile applications. At WeTest, we provide professional and comprehensive mobile testing services to support every stage of your development and operations lifecycle.

Choose WeTest for professional mobile testing services that prioritize seamless user experiences and enhance the overall performance of your mobile applications.

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